“We are in Transylvania; and Transylvania is not strange things.” And indeed there shall. I also use this starting point as a disclaimer; observations do not determine the difference between right and wrong, they simply determine that “our ways are not your ways.”
“I find the district […] is in the extreme east of the country, just on the borders of three states,
“It seems to me that the further east you go the more unpunctual are the trains. What ought they to be in
“I read that every known superstition in the world is gathered into the horseshoe of the Carpathians, as if it were the centre of some sort of imaginative whirlpool; if so my stay may be very interesting.” Superstitions, whether you believe in them or not, always seem to sneak in your life. Honestly, I’m a wood knocker. Can’t tell you why but you can be sure that I knock it. One of my favorite cultural aspects here has been learning about all the different superstitions, which I have slowly revealed in previous posts. They have been a great source of entertainment and to my advantage, they are endless.
“Here and there we passed Cszeks and Slovaks, all in picturesque attire, but I noticed that goitre was painfully present.” I don’t know why but there are indeed an abundance of goiters.
“You must not walk here; the dogs are too fierce.” Story of my life…or so it often seems. However, the tables may be turning. Like most houses here, my Bouse does not have screens. Not really a problem; as there aren’t too many bugs nor strange men that will crawl through a window. But! I’ve always had this silly little fear that cats would come in and maul me in my sleep. I agree that’s a bit ridiculous so as the temperatures have increased I’ve been a little more liberal in my window opening. The insects inside have been getting quite large. In fact, there was such a gianormous moth that I saw it poop as it fluttered to my light. Nevertheless, I wasn’t so silly after all. Not once but twice one of those little buggers (and by little bugger, I mean a life size feline) entered my Bouse. I suppose it’s better than when the squirrels were chewing through the screens (chewing and entry) in