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Thursday, October 28, 2010


Part of me tells myself to cut ties from this blog entirely. That chapter in my life is over. I’m no longer living abroad but much to my surprise, living back at home…I often find myself in a foreign land, amongst a foreign culture and yes, even amid foreign languages. It is wonderful to be back with my amazing family but there are enough days that I’m nostalgic for my life in Romania. So 5 months after being away, I’ve come to the conclusion that part of me will always be Lost In Transylvania. Something will always be lost in translation (despite no difference in language), and at any given point in life…I will be lost.

But I don’t want to live life always seeking, for seekers never see what’s right in front of them. However, writing allows me reflect on this “lostness”, more so what is often lost right in front of us…the little aspects in life.

Starting entirely over in a familiar place has its advantages. There’s people you still love, there’s people who still love you, there’s people who you no longer have anything in common with other than a past, you see old parts of life with new eyes and remember how much you treasure certain aspects, and there’s some parts that you can’t quite grasp why you ever enjoyed it so much before. It’s invigorating, it’s exciting and it’s emotional.