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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One of Those "Aha" Moments

Out of the various projects that I have assisted with this summer, one memory in particular sticks out. While working on the project in which we collaborated with the Mormon Church, we had to wade through a lot of bureaucracy and experienced a ridiculous amount of inefficiency in the lacking infrastructure. One day after running around in the same circle several times, the Romanian woman with whom I was working, turned to me and said, “You know…I finally understand why people from other countries are here trying to help us.” For me, that made everything we had done well worth while because not once in the 19 months that I’ve been here has one person genuinely understood why I am here; not to mention why I would choose to leave my family, country, etc. Although it had never really been a personal goal of mine (to make technical changes or cure the lacking infrastructure), it was one of the better experiences I’ve had in the “work” place.

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