Prior to the ending of my honeymoon phase, I was able to go to Onesti, the hometown of ole Nadia. There was a Viva Moldova gathering as well, so I had a great time seeing people from my group and meeting other volunteers, who have been here for a while. It was fun to have friends again for the weekend and be able to speak in fluid English sentences, although I’m afraid that really is no longer in my repertoire. Any who, back to Nadia. FACT: Her father still works at the piata selling pickled cabbage. U
nfortunately, we went to the wrong market to buy our ever so sweet cherries and strawberries and thus did not get to discuss the great legend. I did get to see the gymnasium where Nadia first trained and her namesake school. The statue was a bit of a let down, as it was not of her but of two random gymnasts, as exhibited in this photo. Nevertheless, I felt the Nadia vibes and was inspired to limber up to demonstrate some moves of my own. Before the glory could begin and I was able to recall the tragic ankle rolling at the Around the World party prior to my departure, we were stoned. One of the 12 million PC safety videos we watched during our staging in
On a more positive note, June has started with a new exciting bang. Although I’m experiencing more free time than one is accustomed to, and find myself sewing amongst other new exhilarating solo activities, I do find it humorous that I’m becoming my own best friend. On one hand, this is a far healthier state I have ever found myself to be in but on the other hand, when do you draw the line? I mean, is it strange to have inside jokes with yourself? Well, in the meantime, I’ll enjoy entertaining myself and finding new strange hobbies.
As one might be able to conclude, I do not have much work to do quite yet. In the meantime, I am making it my job to continue my cultural integration. After my “woe is me” week, I have started back up saying “Buna Ziua” to all those I meet on the street and independently running errands, such as going to the post office, buying a toothbrush, etc. I finally found a tutor and will begin honing my Romanian skills once again next week, which will be greatly beneficial. Maybe one day I can stop talking to myself and begin expressing to others more than what I ate yesterday. Additionally, until work picks up, I have been using my time to further explore my village and the natural surrounding beauties. Once I found my way through several farms and snuck through the pasture of terrifying cows, I made it to the top of the mountain I have been staring at every day for the past month. Needless to say, I was ecstatic (and then I joked with myself about the time I fell).
The following day I returned to Vatra Dornei, where I met three other volunteers and we hiked in the
Next on tap; floating down my local river,
Hey Betsy,
It is probably a good thing you channeled in the spirit of Nadia, seeing as right now the olympic trials are going on. I wish you the best in all events and hopefully it won't end with a rolled ankle. As for being your own best friend, I find it best to use different voices while talking to yourself.
Love Lindsay
PS Emily says hi and wishes you the best and delighted that you decided to share with the world wide web a picture of her patriotism.
My dad bought one of those inflatable rafts but has so far been unsuccessful at his attempts to take us out for a ride on Lake Phalen in it.
i wanna raft with you! and it's nice to know that someone else has inside jokes with them's not something i ever thought about freely admitting. there was this program on npr a while back about laughing and it's importance and EVERY person on the program said that they NEVER laugh when they're alone (unless they read or heard something funny). this both seemed sad and terrifying. sad because people can not find humor in their situation when no one else is around, and terrifying because i laugh when i'm alone all the time. but i'm no longer alone in my laughing alone! woo hoo. anyways, take care. let's go hike or raft or something. soon.
I love that you are sewing! Next step...knitting. Your village sounds wonderful! Good luck navigating the river. Perhaps you should bring some patches for the raft, just in case. A flare wouldn't be a bad idea either :)
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